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  Ⅰ. Phonetics (10 Points)
  In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
  1.A. nurse B. thirsty C. universe D. surprise
  2.A. belief B. niece C. field D. variety
  3.A. surprised B. pleased C. refused D. increased
  4.A. temperature B. change C. average D. surface
  5.A. construction B. coral C. cross D. model
  6.A. mental B. metal C. total D. metallic
  7.A. detective B. decide C. nephew D. desire
  8.A. determine B. demand C. medical D. belief
  9.A. peasant B. present C. promise D. possession
  10.A. speech B. stomach C. charge D. church
  Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)
  There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
  11. Luckily, the fire fighters arrived and _______ the terrible fire.
  A. put on B. put out C. put down D. put away
  12. For miles and miles, I could see nothing _______ a great fire and lots of smoke.
  A. beside B. besides C. except D. without
  13. The shop assistant didn’t give me the right ________.
  A. change B. money C. serve D. note
  14. The prices of fridges have been ______ recently.
  A. pressed B. brought out C. cut off D. brought down
  15. This means the boy may be out of job for some time. In this sentence “be out of job” means _______.
  A. be on their days off B. go outside
  C. lose his job D. finish his work
  16. The TV play we watched last night was very ________.
  A. frightening B. afraid C. fright D. frightened
  17. We took soft drinks to the _______ and our friends took beer there.
  A. bench B. beach C. bank D. bend
  18. Who will ________ the bill?
  A. pay B. pay for C. pay off D. pay out
  19. Their debts _______ 700.
  A. added to B. adds up C. add to D. add up to
  20. There is _______ bread in the cupboard, ________?
  A. no more…is there B. not any more…isn’t there
  C. no longer…is there D. not any longer…isn’t there
  21.—Would you please go out for a walk with us?
  —______, but I’m very busy now.
  A. Of course not B. I’d like to C. That’s all right D. That’s right
  22.—Can I get you a cup of tea?
  A. That’s very nice of you B. With pleasure
  C. You can, please D. Thank you for the tea
  23.—When can I call on you, afternoon or evening?
  —________. I’ll be at home all the time.
  A. Any B. Either C. Both D. Neither
  24.—Has anyone seen my glasses?
  A. Here it is B. It is here C. Here are they D. Here they are
  25.—May I use your phone?
  A. No, I don’t mind B. Yes, you do it
  C. Yes, my pleasure D. I’m afraid not
  26. He is much more _______ a German
  A. like to be B. liking to be C. likely to be D. likely
  27. I had a new tap _______ the day before yesterday.
  A. fix B. fixing C. to be fixed D. fixed
  28. We couldn’t eat at a restaurant because _______ of us had _______ money on us.
  A. all…no B. any…no C. none…any D. no one…any
  29. Have you any rooms _______? We’ll stay here for only two days.
  A. to spare B. to spend C. to take D. to borrow
  30. I was so ______ moved by his words that I couldn’t fall asleep ______ into the night.
  A. deep…deeply B. deep…deep C. deeply…deeply D. deeply…deep
  31. The crowd cheered ______ the sight of the honoured guests’ motorcade.
  A. at B. on C. as soon as D. in
  32. He’s a new comer. So we try to be as _______ to him as we could.
  A. friend B. friends C. friendly D. good friends
  33. She had a good time last night, _______?
  A. hadn’t she B. had she C. didn’t she D. did she
  34. Don’t _______ the child, it will frighten him.
  A. call at B. laugh at C. shout to D. shout at
  —He is a tall young man with blue eyes and broad shoulders.
  A. What is he like B. What does he look like
  C. What does he like D. How is he
  36. She no longer talked and laughed _______ she used to.
  A. like B. as though C. as D. just as
  37. I don’t know why _______ late for class.
  A. you are B. are you C. are you being D. being you are
  38. As both dictionaries were good, he said he would take _______.
  A. any of them B. all of them C. either of them D. either ones
  39. _______ of them knows much English.
  A. No B. None C. Both D. Not all
  40. Will you ______ the book Tom Sawyer ______ him if he wants to _____ it _____ you?
  A. lend…to…borrow…from B. lend…to…borrow…of
  C. borrow…to…lend…from D. lend…for…borrow…of
  41. It was _______ who helped Tom out when he was in trouble.
  A. I B. me C. us D. ours
  42. The leaves of many trees turn ______ in autumn.
  A. to red D. red C. to be red D. into red
  43.—Will you go to the museum tomorrow?
  —Yes, I will go _______ it’s windy.
  A. since B. as though C. if D. even though
  44. Mary used to stay up until far into the night, ______?
  A. didn’t she B. usedn’t she C. does she D. Both A& B.
  45. It is very kind ______ you to supply us _______ so much information.
  A. for…with B. for…in C. of…with D. of…in
  46. Five minutes earlier, _______ we could have caught the last train.
  A. of B. but C. and D. so
  47. Many a boy and many a girl _______ it since then.
  A. have seen B. has seen C. has been seeing D. had seen
  48. I regretted _______ the days when I _______ hard at school.
  A. wasting…must have worked B. having wasted…should have worked
  C. to waste…could work D. to have wasted…would work
  49. He’s sure you’ll pass the examination, _______?
  A. isn’t he B. do you C. won’t you D. hasn’t he
  50. With ______, the man had to go out of his hiding place.
  A. his food ran out B. his food running out
  C. him running out D. his food run out


本文标签: 江西成考  英语  2023年江西成考专升本英语精选真题真题(1)









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